Newsletter Spring /Summer 2007
Drumsong Sanctuary for the Soul

1920 Western Trail
Chapel Hill, NC 27516
(919) 304-5754

Hello All,

Spring has sprung and the garden is bursting with life and activity. The ants have eaten away the glue that holds the peonies shut and they are opening to the warm spring rays. White, Pinks, purples, yellows and every shade of green are coming to life again to salute the sun and bless us with their beauty. Whippoorwills sing the night into being and the goldfinches bring the light of dawn. Seedlings are breeching the soil’s surface with anticipation of summer color and heat. The chuckle of hummingbirds can be heard in the trees as they dart merrily about. May the holies be well fed!

News Flash! I am now available full time to work at Drumsong as I have left the job that occupied much of my time before (well after a week away to regroup). Scheduling sessions for therapy or ceremony will be more flexible now and I’m so excited about all the possibilities this opens up, so stay tuned ... Drumsong Sanctuary for the Soul’s website is up and beautiful, check it out Earth Green Medicine Lodge and Flower Eagle Medicine Lodge sites are already linked from this end. You can also access David Gellatly’s fabulous photo galleries or contact him for photo shoot via his link.

The Monday night healer’s circle is in our fourth year of meeting weekly and we take requests from community members in need of assistance, prayers and healing. You may speak with one of us to formulate your request so that you are seeking guidance from within before seeking it outside yourself and to give us permission to temporarily enter into your spiritual life. State requests in ways that open up the possibilities for healing on all levels rather than locking into predetermined diagnoses. For example you might speak of the sensations or feelings you are actually experiencing in your body/mind/spirit rather than declaring ownership of “my migraines”. Our goal is always to return to a state of balance by finding the point (s) of imbalance, which can only be done with your full participation and willingness to make new agreements with yourself. You may come in person by calling first or send the request via a circle member.

Individual Healings are available by appointment: Shamanic Counseling, Soul Retrieval , Calling Ceremony, Fire Ceremony, Cutting Ceremony. Vision Quest requires in depth preparation and follow-up.

See Calendar for Upcoming Events

I’m grateful for each of you in my life and those with whom you share this information. We CAN and we DO make a difference with each action we take to heal ourselves and the world around us! Ceremony is one powerful way among many others. Whatever you choose to do let it come from your heart and dance it with joy!

In gratitude,
 Windsong Woman

“We live our lives for-getting that living is for-giving.” - Dean Fraser

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Photography courtesy of David Gellatly
©Contents Copyright Miriam Lieberman 2007